Saturday, June 28, 2014

DHS Flunks Citizenship Test Question: '15 Stars and Stripes' on U.S. Flag

DHS Flunks Citizenship Test Question: '15 Stars and Stripes' on U.S. Flag | Media Research Center:
"Seems the Department of Homeland Security doesn't know how many stars and stripes there are on the American flag.
A DHS press release, dated June 20, commemorated the June 17th naturalization of 15 new US citizens, noting the "15 stars and stripes" on the U.S. flag. The problem is that the American Flag doesn't have 15 stars and stripes; it has had 13 stripes since the Act of April 4, 1818, was signed by President James Monroe, and 50 stars since 1960, after Hawaii became a state the year before.
"These 15 candidates, symbolically representing the 15 stars and stripes on our Nation's flag, hailed from Australia, Canada, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, India, Iraq, Italy, Kenya, Lithuania, Mexico, the Philippines, Romania, Sierra Leone and South Korea," the press release said.
Ironically, the number of stars and stripes as well as its meaning is a question included on the test for becoming a naturalized citizen"

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