Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pentagon Top Eight White House Lies about Bowe Bergdahl Guantanamo

Pentagon Top Eight White House Lies Bowe Bergdahl Guantanamo | The Daily Caller:
...Here are the top eight administration claims, laid out and debunked in full.
Lie #1: Bergdahl was very sick

Lie #2: The Taliban threatened to kill Bergdahl

Lie #3: The administration informed Congress about the swap

Lie #4: The U.S. didn’t negotiate with terrorists

Lie #5: Berghdal served with honor and distinction

Lie #6: The release of the terrorists poses little to no risk to the U.S.

Lie #7: The five terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay will be under U.S. monitoring

Lie #8: This was the “last, best chance” to bring Bergdahl home

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