Saturday, June 28, 2014

Racist democrat Mississippi Election Radio Ad: Tea Party Will 'Take Away' Food Stamps, Black University Funding

MS Radio Ad: Tea Party Will 'Take Away' Food Stamps, Black University Funding:
"A Mississippi radio station aired an ad warning voters that the Tea Party would “take away” food stamps and other welfare benefits before the run-off between incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran and his challenger, Chris McDaniel.
Calling the run-off the most important election since the re-election of President Barack Obama, the WMGO radio station ordered listeners in Madison County to vote for Cochran the day of the run off.
The ad appeared to target black voters.
“By not voting, you’re saying, ‘Take away all of my government programs, such as food stamps, early breakfast and lunch programs, millions of dollars to our black universities,” the ad said, voiced by an African American woman.
“Everything we and our families depend on that comes from Washington will be cut.
Mississippi will never be the same.
The question is, will you spend five dollars on gas to vote -- or allow the Tea Party to send us back to the good old bad days?  
“Vote against the Tea Party. Vote Thad Cochran. Remember, if you didn’t vote in the June 3rd primary, you can vote today,” the ad concluded. "

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