Saturday, June 28, 2014

“Risky Business” in Climate Change Policy

“Risky Business” in Climate Change Policy | The Beacon:
One important consideration is that regulatory requirements such as the coalition wants to impose almost always are crafted as “one size fits all”, meaning that large corporations thereby enjoy competitive advantages over their smaller rivals. 
Big companies such as the agribusiness giant Cargill, Inc. (a member of Risky Business) already have regulatory compliance departments in place and can spread those costs over large volumes of sales.
Smaller companies will be driven out of business if forced to comply with the same rules.
And so we see here another way in which politically powerful corporations can exploit the political process for their own gain.
.........Risky Business helps prove that the recent Occupy Wall Street Movement and Tea Party activists have more in common than their members perhaps recognize.
Corporate cronyism is a clear and present danger to ordinary Americans that swamps even the most conceivable future environmental catastrophe.

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