Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Dire Warning Representatives of Immigration and Border Officials Just Gave to Congress |

The Dire Warning Representatives of Immigration and Border Officials Just Gave to Congress |
“Over the last four years, our union has repeatedly advised Congress and America that the administration’s immigration policies are failing in the field,” said Chris Crane, president of the union who represents Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, in his prepared testimony to the committee.
Crane said his group has told ICE for years that the administration’s policies are failing, and he said things will only get worse if things don’t change. “If the administration continues with its current policies, it can expect the current crisis to further escalate, and crises in other areas to potentially emerge,” he said.
Crane’s comments are a slap to the Obama administration, which has continued to insist that its support for amnesty-style immigration changes are not the cause of the border rush.
In 2011, just 6,500 unaccompanied children came across the border. But in the same Judiciary hearing, officials from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and ICE said by mid-June of this year, 52,000 have been apprehended, more than double the 24,000 seen all last year."

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