Saturday, June 14, 2014

The open, unabashed contempt they show for us.--------------------A brief and painful reminder that Washington is filled with flippant and incompetent halfwits

A brief and painful reminder that Washington is filled with flippant and incompetent halfwits |
As the situation in Iraq grow increasingly volatile, and the Obama administration's response increasingly vague, critics have voiced frustration at what they perceive to be a lack of leadership in the White House.
Yes, Iraq is imploding, threatened by a well-armed and highly motivated terrorist organization, and the White House’s critics are upset.
And this is on top of the president's terribly unpopular decision to trade five Taliban leaders for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (who may or may not have deserted his post in 2009 to join the Taliban), the growing scandal involving the Department of Veterans Affairs and, of course, the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya.
Each of these events involves several dead Americans, some in the line of duty, some waiting for medical attention and some waiting for reinforcements that would never come. 
Very little has been done to find and punish those responsible for these events.
So along comes Tommy Vietor, he of the “dude, that was two years ago" fame, to inform the unwashed masses on Friday that their anger is very much misplaced and that they're croaking on about nothing.
“Iraq is just a ploy to distract you from Bergdahl which distracted you from the VA scandal which distracted you from BENGHAZI. Idiots,” he said in a tweet.
Indeed, you probably just don't understand how Washington works. 
Move along. 
There's nothing to see here, idiots.
Everything that’s wrong with the nation’s capital summed up in one tweet. Smug. 
Sneering contempt. Dismissive. 
And all in fewer than 140 characters.
Dude, that's impressive.

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