Thursday, June 26, 2014

What could possibly go wrong?--------2 new downtown Muskegon townhouses to be built with city loan

2 new downtown Muskegon townhouses to be built with city loan |
"MUSKEGON, MI -- In an effort to jumpstart downtown residential development, the city of Muskegon has finalized a $500,000 loan for the construction of two more "Heritage Square" townhouses on Clay Avenue. 
The city commission on Tuesday, June 24 approved the loan to Gary Post's Heritage Square Development, which has built and sold four townhouses on Clay between First and Second streets.
The money to fund the loan is from the city's economic development fund.
 The loan fits in with the city commission's action plan that calls for efforts to spur additional residential development downtown, said Muskegon City Manager Frank Peterson.
 "We want to get these (residential developments) unstalled," Peterson said. "
This was small enough where we could have an effect on it.""

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