Specifically, they're fighting nutrition standards that would considerably alter one of the most sacred rituals of the American public school system: bake sales.
Twelve states have established their own policies to circumvent regulations in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that apply to "competitive snacks," or any foods and beverages sold to students on school grounds that are not part of the Agriculture Department's school meal programs, according to the National Association of State Boards of Education. Competitive snacks appear in vending machines, school stores, and food and beverages, including items sold at bake sales.
Hilarious! you should write for the colbert show
>>>"Hilarious! you should write for the colbert show"
Who? Oh, HIM. You aren't... bright, are you?
Please tell me that that photo is a 'shop. It looks disturbingly realistic.
Yes, for you libs out there, it is a photoshop.
But ya gotta think Moochelle would love to be a real Mrs. Dictator. Maybe not Eva Braun....... the other Eva!
Eva Menendez? Eva Marie Saint? Which 'other Eva'... don't leave me hanging!
Did those same 12 states that circumvented food standards in Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 also circumvent the increased funding in the Act?
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