Saturday, July 05, 2014

The only way the left can win is if they keep the truth from their followers-----Facebook's Attack Against Free Speech: You're in Facebook Jail for 30 days for being Conservative

Facebook's Attack Against Free Speech: You're in Facebook Jail for 30 days for being Conservative
"I know most people have been in Facebook jail sometime or another. 
I never heard of anybody getting ban for their own website links.
The same link I’m ban for Facebook has been collecting my money to advertise.
I have an audience of 368,000k fans but only 1,000 people are seeing my post.
It’s hard to remain silent.
Especially, when I have to delete pornography from my wall three times a day.
The message that comes up from Facebook when I go to delete the porno
“This doesn’t violate “the community standards.”
 Maybe, if Barack Hussein is tried for treason Facebook will start giving conservatives equal rights to freedom of speech as liberals and Muslims.
Yeah, right.
I think E.T. Williams is right.
Facebook don’t like black Conservatives.
Facebook has joined the democrat party by waging a war on Conservative Lady.
They have succeed at discriminating against Conservative & Tea Party groups with the help of the IRS.
My guess is the democrats can do the same with Fascist book."

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