The University Of Notre Dame Sociology Department And Huffpo Has The Tea Party All Figured Out Now - Chicks on the Right:
"They'll give grant money for anything these days, huh?
Case in point.
Some dude named RoryMcVeigh, a University of Notre Dame political sociologist, did a "study" in which he "posited that the tea party ideology, which advocates for limited government and low government spending, might resonate more among people who don't interact much with low-income individuals who may benefit from government programs."
And because his findings were published in the journalistic mecca known as Huffpo, the study obviousy has merit now.
Screw JAMA, y'all!
It's the HUFFPO, dontchaknow.
Basically, Rory and three of his sociology buddies found that "individuals with a bachelor’s degree are more likely than people who do not have any college education to support the Tea Party; this relationship is strongest in counties with higher levels of educational segregation."
You can read the abstract here, especially if you're a real scientist who wants to laugh your assular area off."
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