"Former President Jimmy Carter is the featured keynote speaker at this weekend’s Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention at Detroit’s Cobo Hall.
The Justice Department recently implicated ISNA, which claims to be America’s largest Muslim organization, as the lead conduit in a scheme to illegally pass on $12 million to Hamas, the Palestinian terror group established to annihilate the State of Israel. Hamas is officially designated a terrorist group by the US government.
The Justice Department officially designated ISNA as an un-indicted co-conspirator as part of its successful 2007 trial of those accused of coordinating fundraising efforts for Hamas in the United States through the Dallas-based Holy Land Foundation. A federal judge turned down a subsequent ISNA appeal to reverse the designation, claiming there was "ample" evidence that Holy Land officials clearly "operated from within ISNA." Key evidence presented at the trial were checks written to known Hamas terrorists and deposited into ISNA accounts from where they were passed on to Hamas.
Shukri Abu Bakr, now serving a 65-year sentence following his con
...US civil rights expert Alan Dershowitz claims that fundraising for ISNA may constitute violation of Section 18, which would put Jimmy Carter "very close to, if not across the line" of criminal activity."
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