Sunday, August 03, 2014

The New York Times Runs a Full-Page Ad for a Marijuana Review Site

The New York Times Runs a Full-Page Ad for a Marijuana Review Site - Hit & Run :
"Last week The New York Times called for the legalization of marijuana.
Today it's running a full-page marijuana ad.
More exactly, it's advertising a website—Leafly—that reviews different strains of pot and directs you to the dispensaries, doctors, and stores that will help you get ahold of them.
The most striking thing about the ad is that it isn't striking at all. 
It would be easy to flip past this quickly without recognizing that it's about cannabis—and even if you do pause long enough to see what's being advertised, the idea of an ad for a marijuana review site in The New York Times just doesn't sound all that bizarre anymore.
That's when you know a social revolution is succeeding: when it starts to feel banal."
HIGH TIMES it ain't.

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