Thursday, September 11, 2014

A day to be proud…

A day to be proud… | Power Line:

"Rescorla died a hero’s death saving his charges at Morgan Stanley in the south tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Rescorla was head of security for the company; he directed the evacuation in which he had long drilled the company’s WTC employees.
Using a bullhorn, he shepherded his charges into the tower’s one usable fire escape and exhorted them that it was “a day to be proud to be an American.”
The book closes with the words of Hill, the man who remained Rescorla’s best friend until his death.

His haunting words pay tribute to Rescorla:
"One of my life’s biggest regrets is that I couldn’t have been with Rick at the moment of his great challenge and crisis of his life. 
Then again, maybe it was so destined, because if I didn’t survive, there would be nobody left to tell the story. 
Kipling wrote that “all men should count with you, but none too much.” 
I failed there. 
Rick counted as the world to me. 
 Somebody cautioned that if a person or thing means the world to you, and you lose that person or thing, then you have lost the world. 
I lost the world when Rick died."

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