LA Times: Doctor Shortages, Buyer's Remorse Plague California Obamacare:
"California's narrow Obamacare networks have many Obamacare customers experiencing buyer's remorse over health care plans that are turning out to include far fewer doctors than they were led to believe, reports the Los Angeles Times.
"Where was the state in protecting people from these false promises?" California Obamacare customer Heidi Shurtleff, 53, told the Times.
"I'm not getting what I paid for."
President Barack Obama infamously promised Americans, "If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor."
But so-called "narrow networks" are a key component of Obamacare designed to limit doctor choice in an effort to drive down costs.
A Times analysis found that insurers in California, which has the nation's largest number of Obamacare customers, have no intention of expanding the number of doctors available to plan holders.
"The state's largest health insurers are sticking with their often-criticized narrow networks of doctors, and in some cases they are cutting the number of physicians even more, according to a Times analysis of company date," the Times reported on Sunday.
Mary Edwards, 63, found out the hard way that "several physicians listed on her plan didn't accept the insurance or weren't taking new patients.""
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