Friday, September 26, 2014

‘Single complaint’ of perceived racism triggers Obama education department probe

‘Single complaint’ of perceived racism triggers Obama education department probe -
".....reported that the “formal investigation centers on discovering if the school district unfairly disciplines black students.”

...“Despite calling it an open forum,” reported CBS 2, “our television cameras were banned from the civil rights meeting.”
Most of the deliberations are being conducted “in private,” according to the report. Journalist Matt Hammill said,
“[T]his investigation – very secretive – one of the reasons we were kicked out tonight…”
Earlier this month, it was reported that the federal investigation into the Cedar Rapids School District was based on a “single complaint,” according to Mary Ellen Maske, deputy superintendent.
As a result of that single complaint, the feds are investigating “Washington, Kennedy and Metro high schools, Franklin, Taft and McKinley Middle Schools and Grant and Harrison Elementary schools.”

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