Steven Sotloff: Proud “Jewish” Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, Rebels; His Anti-US Friends & Their Attacks on Me; “Deeply Loved Islam”:
"**** UPDATE: Steven Sotloff: ISIS’ Beheaded Anti-Israel Jew Converted to Islam Years Ago; “Hated” Israel ****
The newly-beheaded Steven Sotloff lost his head long ago.
He was an Islamopandering schmuck who learned Arabic, bragged about loving “Islamic culture” (an oxymoron), loved HAMAS and ISIS, and was an Arab Spring Breaker (my name for all the reporters hanging out in the Middle East cheering on various Muslim rebels and their disastrous consequences).
Everything he did was part of his vocation: serving as an apologist for jihad and supporting not just Muslims, but the most extreme Muslims he could find, especially the terrorist variety.
Even as he was living and studying in Israel, Sotloff praised the election of HAMAS into power and made a habit of attacking Israel at every chance.
I know this because a little over a week ago, I was contacted by some of his friends, many of them anti-American, far-left schmucks.
And then I learned more from others who knew him even better (see the letter I received below)."
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