“Keep in mind that most of these laws are not preventing the overwhelming majority of folks who don’t vote from voting. Most people do have an ID. Most people do have a driver’s license. Most people can get to the polls. The bottom line is, if less than half of our folks vote, these laws aren’t preventing the other half from not voting.” (Barack Obama, October 21, 2014)
Voter fraud is not new.
Ever since empires evolved from kings thought to be of divine heritage and nations ruled by unchallenged tyrants to ancient democracies like Greece and republics like Rome to modern day America, subversive elements have continually sought to subvert an outcome one way or the other from the will of those who oppose them.
Voting is the one thing that demonstrates the morality and responsibility of each individual. Voting is the catalyst of Ben Franklin’s statement that we would only reap the benefits of our Republican form of government, “…as long as we can keep it.” It is a calling and duty as much as anything other aspect of our existence that defines us. And free men and tyrants alike know this.
When we look within the guarded walls of socialist, communist and nationalist governments we often see depicted a facade that portrays the will of the people as being compliant to those who rule over them.
They refer to themselves as republics or democracies as if central planning by tyrants is condoned by their subjects.
Yet under this guise of willful submission their “elections” reek of fraud, manipulation and intimidation as if these are simply elements of a well-run campaign.
.... The writer claims in much the same manner as Ginsberg, “In-person voter fraud is rare.” Therefore the writer presupposes the only motive behind it would be voter suppression.
They refer to themselves as republics or democracies as if central planning by tyrants is condoned by their subjects.
Yet under this guise of willful submission their “elections” reek of fraud, manipulation and intimidation as if these are simply elements of a well-run campaign.
.... The writer claims in much the same manner as Ginsberg, “In-person voter fraud is rare.” Therefore the writer presupposes the only motive behind it would be voter suppression.
Requiring Voter ID may be nothing more than a deterrent but at least it serves a purpose. The fact voter fraud may be rare does not mean it doesn’t exists. Just ask Eric Holder who once had someone impersonate him at the polls (and by the way successfully cast a vote).
How about the situation in Minnesota where the election of Al Franken is still under the cloud of fraud? During that election Franken had contested the results and demanded a recount. As the recount progressed Franken eventually was declared the winner.
NBC reported in November 2013 there is a problem with Franken’s election. The conservative group “Minnesota Majority” began investigating those ballots and found 1,099 felons had voted illegally “at the polls”. To date 177 have been convicted of voting fraudulently. Another 66 await trial.
In a contest that was decided by 312 votes, in which now 166 stand disproved with another 66 in the wings awaiting trial is it not safe to suppose there may be more? Does it matter? Al Franken was the Senator that gave Obama a 60 seat majority. That’s a filibuster proof majority if you’re not up to snuff on protocol.
Why do you think Obama’s immigration reform campaign centers “…on a path to citizenship”. What motivates morons like Wasserman-Schultz to claim illegals, though only 5%b of the workforce are “…the backbone of the American economy”. Why does the Federal Government issue memorandums to schools stating they cannot refuse to educate illegals?
Voter ID would expose this agenda. And that is the reason we need it. And that is why the left spends so much time trying to convince America it is a “non-issue”. It is the final piece in Obama’s agenda to “…fundamentally transform the United States of America.”
The real solution to voter fraud is the repeal of mail-in ballots (other than absentee), databases that identify multiple registrations in different states, closure of open primaries and THEN Voter ID. Only then will voter fraud become a “non-issue”.
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