Monday, December 29, 2014

Democrats 10 of the top 11 no-shows---------Legislators Missed 1,626 Votes in 2014

Legislators Missed 1,626 Votes in 2014 [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
Down from 21,000 in 2001 when started tracking missed votes
Michigan’s 38 senators and 110 representatives missed a combined 1,626 votes in 2014 according to the Missed Votes Report compiled by Jack McHugh, editor of
The 2014 Legislature held 1,747 roll call votes, 936 in the Senate and 811 in the House, not counting purely procedural votes.
This is up from the combined total of 1,256 roll call votes held in 2013, when individual legislators missed 1,093 votes altogether.
In contrast, there were 21,162 missed votes in the 2001-2002 legislative session, the year began.

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