Saturday, January 10, 2015

Muslims Avenge the Prophet - Eagle Rising

Muslims Avenge the Prophet - Eagle Rising:

"But, now, Obama's 'tween a rock and a hard place. People are getting wise to his cowardice and perfidy. He has to say something when a bunch of folks, who make their daily bread by poking fun at politics and general baloney, get shot up by jerks shouting "Allahu Akbar" ... or whatever it is cowards spew when they murder innocent strangers while avenging the Prophet.

So he offers up some lame and barely respectful sympathetic bromide and in another breath (maybe before the events of yesterday...I cannot fathom even him saying anything at all critical of  the French writers now ...or ever!) he says the writers at the satirical periodical should have been more "careful" or "judicial" or something lame-wristed like that. I only agree if Obama means the magazine in Paris should have been sandbagged and prickly with 50. caliber M-2s. "

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