Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Where's the Outrage Over Obama's Lies? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Where's the Outrage Over Obama's Lies? - The Rush Limbaugh Show:

 "RUSH:  By the way, here's one other point that I want to make.  You know, everybody -- well, relatively speaking, everybody is curious and either angry or amused or offended, everybody is affected somehow by Brian Williams making it up, but when Obama does it, barely a ripple.  And Obama lies about really important things, like the economy and the unemployment numbers, and ISIS, and health care.  Obama told you 23 times you could keep your doctor if you like him. Obama told you 23 times you could keep your policy if you like it.  Lied to your face 23 times over two years.  Ho-hum.  Let's twiddle our thumbs.  Big whoop.  And that's just one of countless examples that I, El Rushbo, could come up with."

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