Saturday, March 07, 2015

A "better view" for MI. senators for $134 MILLION?!!!----While Roads Crumble, Meekhof Defends Controversial New Senate Building That Now Costs $134 Million

WEST MICHIGAN POLITICS: While Roads Crumble, Meekhof Defends Controversial New Senate Building That Now Costs $134 Million:
According to a report from MIRS, the new $70 million dollar office for the Michigan State Senate will actually cost over $130 million. 
$68 million in bonds to purchase 8 floors of the "Capitol View" building along with $66 million in debt service payments from now through 2047. 
That brings an estimated project cost of $134 million.
...The agreement was signed even though the House never approved the bill-it couldn't get through lameduck.
Merit, eh? 
The money needs to be spent so Meekhof can have a better view of the Capitol!"

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