Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Glaciers at the NYT: The Democrats’ War on Women and Blacks

Glaciers at the NYT: The Democrats’ War on Women and Blacks | Roger L. Simon:
"When I grew up, I thought the Democratic Party was the great friend of minorities and women.
The party wanted a world of equality,
I thought.
Most people I knew believed that too.

Sorry, I was an idiot.
Here’s our contemporary world as it actually exists: Ayaan Hirsi Ali — a woman who has had a clitoridectomy and has had literally hundreds of death threats, maybe thousands, risking her life daily fighting the horrible mistreatment of her sex under Islamic Sharia — has her honorary degree withheld by Brandeis University while Hillary Clinton — the putative Democratic Party nominee (still, I guess) for president — takes multimillion dollar donations from Saudi Arabia, where women aren’t even allowed to drive."

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