Monday, March 16, 2015

Hollywood Conservative’s ‘Urgent Message’ to Israel: ‘America Has Not Been the Same’ Since Obama | Video |

Hollywood Conservative’s ‘Urgent Message’ to Israel: ‘America Has Not Been the Same’ Since Obama | Video |

 "Specifically that Obama’s “whole agenda is to control Israel,” Voight said — and one way to accomplish that is by seeing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lose on March 17 to challenger Isaac Herzog.

“I love Israel. I want to see Israel survive and not be overtaken by the mad men of this world,” Voight noted on a video message to its citizens.

“President Obama does not love Israel. His whole agenda is to control Israel,” Voight added. “In this way, he can be friends with all of Israel’s enemies. He doesn’t want Bibi Netanyahu to win this upcoming election. America has not been the same since his presidency. I beg all of you to understand the truth.”

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