Sunday, March 15, 2015

Read the Scathing Letter an Iranian Prisoner of Conscience Reportedly Wrote Barack Obama | Video |

Read the Scathing Letter an Iranian Prisoner of Conscience Reportedly Wrote Barack Obama | Video |

"A self-described Iranian prisoner of conscience recently wrote a letter to President Barack Obama excoriating the president for negotiating with a regime that is slaughtering its own people. Glenn Beck received a copy of the letter from Manda Zand Ervin, the founder and director of the Alliance of Iranian Women, and read it on his radio program Thursday.

“The Islamic clerics have taken our nation hostage to their fanatical Islamic tyranny,” Heshmatollah Tabarzadi wrote the president. “In 2009 when the people of Iran loudly and clearly asked for your support for their freedom and sovereignty, you ignored us and you empowered the tyrants to imprison, torture, and kill us.”

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