Saturday, March 14, 2015

White Federal Judge Shot by Black Thug... Where's the Media?

White Federal Judge Shot by Black Thug... Where's the Media?
The liberal mainstream media rushed to report about the justified shooting of Michael Brown by an upstanding Ferguson police officer last August, but they seem awfully reluctant to cover the recent unjustified shooting of a white federal judge by a black thug.
The victim is District Court Judge Terrence G. Berg, a 55-year-old white resident of Michigan who was shot in the thigh last Thursday evening by two black men who were trying to rob him outside his home.
...Even worse news is that the liberal mainstream media is barely covering this story, which bodes exceptionally well for Judge Terrence G. Berg’s assailants.
Apparently, justified police shootings committed by white police officers are wrong, but criminal shootings by black thugs — well, that’s another story.
Or, rather, it’s not a story at all, according to the mainstream media."

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