Wednesday, April 01, 2015



The American Stage

By Tammy Derouin

I wonder how many other Americans feel like they are now sitting in the passenger seat of an out-of-control vehicle. The eyes dart from the map to the road, back and forth, knowing full well that something isn’t right.  We have been off course at different times in our past.  This will happen from time to time.  Experience from the past has taught us that when the scenery doesn’t look familiar and we get that undeniable feeling in the pit of our stomach, it’s time to pull over and regroup.  Of course, there are a few roles which need to be clearly established. 

The driver, the navigator and the arbiter all have different roles.  Each performs a vital function.  Neither is greater than or lesser than the other.  Their knowledge may be very similar but their responsibilities are different.  All roles are necessary to ensure that the correct path is traveled.  Each role establishes boundaries.  Although everyone may have similar knowledge, individual desires and the means to an end may vary.

The driver assumes the lead position.  He becomes the front man, the representative of the entire vehicle.  That doesn’t mean he is all knowing or all powerful.  He is not on a solo mission.  For whatever reason, his experience, knowledge, ability to cow poo through a conversation or the inability for the rest of the crew or passengers to see his fatal flaws, has put him in the driver’s seat.  However he got there, he’s there until the others recognize a smoking engine and a stiff right leg.

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