Friday, May 08, 2015

Giggles the Pig write-in campaign joins Flint mayoral race chaos

Giggles the Pig write-in campaign joins Flint mayoral race chaos |
"...Fellow councilman and candidate Wantwaz Davis also took issue with Giggles' campaign.
"Putting a pig in a race is an offense to the character and moral value we're trying to exemplify in the city," Davis said.
Davis said Ewing's efforts should be put toward helping better the city of Flint and finding jobs for the people he represents in the court system.
"I think, being a criminal defense attorney, the first thing he should be thinking about is defending the reputation of the city," Davis said.
Davis also took the time to sound off on Giggles' Facebook page.
"...I will be the next mayor of Flint, Michigan, and will feast off of your pig at my victory party, you can get in for free, VIP on me," Davis wrote.
Walling could not be reached for comment."

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