Wednesday, May 06, 2015



True American Spirit

By Tammy Derouin

Many people have such a deep interest in preserving our heritage but feel helpless and no longer know what to do to preserve it.  Over the years, several concerned individuals have contacted me.  There is such genuine concern for the future of our country.  Our freedom and independence is hanging on a broken limb.

I feel there are more of us who are concerned about the direction of this country than those who are creating chaos. We are not silently standing by watching as our country crumbles into pieces.  We are being silenced.  The true American spirit, anything and everything which makes us unique, our Americana, is being destroyed.  When and why did it become American to be un-American? 

When did it become acceptable to silence those who do not agree with the ruling party?  When did it become fashionable to lie and deceive because it fulfills an agenda?  When did our rights become commodities, easily traded for security?  

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