Thursday, June 18, 2015

After Radical Muslim Cleric Confronts Cop on Camera, Listen to the Insult He Utters Behind His Back | Video |

After Radical Muslim Cleric Confronts Cop on Camera, Listen to the Insult He Utters Behind His Back | Video |

"Radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary isn’t an unfamiliar figure to readers of TheBlaze.

He recently came close to saying that activist Pamela Geller should face the death penalty for her draw-Muhammad event in Garland, Texas. He also predicted Shariah law would be implemented in America, invited the wrath of Brad Thor following the Charlie Hebdo massacre when he declared no one has the right to insult Muhammad and claimed Jesus would be a Muslim if he were walking the earth today.

Here’s another resume bullet point for Choudary: He’s seen on video confronting a British cop as to why he’s wearing a wristband from Help for Heroes, a charity for British soldiers or vets injured as a result of their service."

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