Friday, June 19, 2015

‘Alliance in Tatters’: Shocking Accusations From Former Israeli Ambassador About His Treatment by Obama Admin |

‘Alliance in Tatters’: Shocking Accusations From Former Israeli Ambassador About His Treatment by Obama Admin |

"Among the revelations by former Ambassador Michael Oren, according to accounts by those who read the book: how he initially got the cold-shoulder from then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after asking to meet her; how State Department staffers cheered as they secretly listened in on a meeting during which the deputy secretary excoriated him over the building of Israeli homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem; and hearing a comment from President Barack Obama to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu suggesting he had no problem with the then pro-Hamas Islamist Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan."


GrayEagle48 said...

And yet the American Jew still votes democrat.

Jim Riley said...

Grey, I don't get it. Are Jewish people secret haters of Israel?