Thursday, June 18, 2015

Here’s Why You’re About to See Pro-Muhammad Billboards All Across America |

Here’s Why You’re About to See Pro-Muhammad Billboards All Across America |

"A new pro-Muhammad billboard campaign is being funded by a Muslim group in an effort to counter negative narratives surrounding Islam, while simultaneously evangelizing.

Organized by the Islamic Circle of North America, a Muslim education group, the billboards have already been posted in cities in California, New Jersey and Florida, among other locations, in an effort to present Islam as a faith that embraces love, Reuters reported.

The giant placards, which are slated to appear in cities across america, include messages like: “Looking for the answers in Life? Discover Muhammad,” “Kindness is a mark of faith” and “Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, women’s rights.”

Freedom of speech is a wonderful right.  American's have the right to speak their mind and to voice concern.  Why are American's the target of hate when they express a pro-Christian, pro-American sign expressing their beliefs and rights?

Why are American's targeted when they display the symbol which expresses all of their rights and freedoms, the American flag.  Let's think about this, people claim our flag is offensive, yet it's the symbol which allows even those who wish to destroy us, the freedom to openly state they wish to destroy us on our own soil.

American's need to use their rights, while they still have them, to express their thoughts.  We need to stand up for ourselves because the executive shows no sign of preserving our great country.  

Radical thoughts and ideas need to be challenged.  I'd love to see every billboard with a pro-American sign.

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