Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Nanny State of the Week: FDA bans trans-fats

Nanny State of the Week: FDA bans trans-fats -
"Food companies have until 2018 to remove the oils from their products.
But does the government have the power to force people to eat healthy?
The FDA is charged, in part, with protecting Americans from food that is unsafe to eat.
They inspect meat, for example, to make sure we’re not going to get mad cow disease.
The agency is now expanding that role to include trans fats, which the FDA has determined to be “no longer safe for use in food.”
But there’s a difference between government regulations that enforce safety and those that enforce good health, says Daren Bakst, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
“The agency is trying to use its power to go after ‘unhealthy’ ingredients, not ‘unsafe’ ingredients,” he told U.S. News and World Report.
“People can make voluntary and informed decisions regarding what food they choose to eat.
Sometimes those decisions aren’t going to be consistent with the bureaucrats’ views on what people should eat...”

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