Saturday, June 13, 2015

Obama Seeks to Reshape Neighborhoods With Housing “Diversity”

Obama Seeks to Reshape Neighborhoods With Housing “Diversity”
The Obama administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is under fire after announcing a proposed executive decree to make American neighborhoods more “diverse.” Under the new HUD policy, dubbed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” the federal government will gather and track data on “segregation” and “discrimination” across America before deploying a wide range of social-engineering schemes to ensure more “diversity” in U.S. neighborhoods.
Some analysts say there is an even broader agenda at work.
While details about the latest anti-constitutional plot remain scarce, news reports and official documents suggest the administration will use a combination of federal bribes and coercion to achieve its aims. 
The goal, in essence, is to force state and local governments into submission using a “carrot and stick” approach.
Among the many federal targets in enforcing centrally planned diversity: local zoning regulations, public transportation, land-use policies, government housing agencies, and more.

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