Friday, June 05, 2015

Pamela Geller and CNN Host Go at It Again in Another Tense Exchange: ‘They’re Going to Come For You, Too’ |

Pamela Geller and CNN Host Go at It Again in Another Tense Exchange: ‘They’re Going to Come For You, Too’ |

“Members of the Muslim community who aren’t terrorists said they found it offensive,” he said of the reasoning why they weren’t shown.

Geller, though, pushed back.

“So what? I find a lot of things offensive. … I find you telling me that my speech is offensive — I find that offensive,” she said. “I’m not going to kill you. This is what is required to live in a pluralistic society. And I will not abridge my First Amendment rights so as not to offend savages, which is what is being demanded of me.”

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