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Monday, June 08, 2015
This'll make the libs piddle in their panties-----Double Barreled 1911 pistol quad wield rapid fire! 20 rounds in 1.5 sec.
1 comment:
President Obama's personal KGB, the BATF, has already resurrected a ten year old proposed regulation (70 FR 17624) in an attempt to ban this pistol. The same BATF lawyer who dreamed up the M855 ammunition prohibition is behind this effort, Brenda R. Friend. The specific regulation can be downloaded here:
1 comment:
President Obama's personal KGB, the BATF, has already resurrected a ten year old proposed regulation (70 FR 17624) in an attempt to ban this pistol. The same BATF lawyer who dreamed up the M855 ammunition prohibition is behind this effort, Brenda R. Friend. The specific regulation can be downloaded here:
A more general story on the blizzard of firearms regulations coming from Dear Leader's 'pen and phone' is here:
January 20th, 2017 cannot come fast enough.
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