Friday, June 19, 2015

Transforming the Political Landscape: Unions Join Conservatives in Fighting Obamatrade

Transforming the Political Landscape: Unions Join Conservatives in Fighting Obamatrade:

"Today, the majority of all union members (51 percent) work in government. More than twice as many union members now work in the U.S. Postal Service as in the domestic auto industry. This represents a historical reversal, given that President Roosevelt had reservations about public sector labor unions representing government employees, and in particular, opposed collective bargaining by public workers.

According to Breitbart, polls show that despite unions providing the foot-soldiers and cash to get many Democrats elected, over 60 percent of Democrats support job killing trade deals, compared to about 50 percent of Republicans. This explains why each of the last four job killing trade deals was negotiated by a Democrat President:"

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