Saturday, June 20, 2015

Very good read!-----Pope Francis Embraces Green Theology to Demonize the Modern World

Pope Francis Embraces Green Theology to Demonize the Modern World -
Pope Francis's eco-encyclical, issued to great fanfare this week, might be hyperbolic, anti-progress, and seemingly keen to bring the hotness of hell up to Earth.
(How else do we explain its mad aside against air-conditioning, which the pontiff brands as one of humanity's "harmful habits"? 
Clearly he wants to heat us up in preparation for our eternal frying for all the eco-sins we've committed.)
But we should nonetheless be grateful that, for all its dottiness, this humanity-lecturing letter has been published.
For it shows in black and white—and green—what a colossal amount in common there is between environmentalism and Catholicism.
That Francis can so readily adopt eco-lingo, can read as fluently from the gospel according to Greenpeace as he does from those other gospels, confirms that God-botherers and eco-worriers share a serious agitation with the human urge to explore and develop—what they call our "hubris"—and long to make us live simpler, less stuff-filled lives.
Francis takes to eco-moaning like a duck to water.
(Probably polluted water— yes, yes, we know.)
He slams humanity's view of itself as "lords and masters" of nature, our belief that we can "plunder her at will."
Such arrogance and greed will have "dire consequences," he finger-wags.
...He slams our "excessive anthropocentrism."
We must "restore men and women to their rightful place"—that is, as humble janitors of the planet, whose only job is to keep Earth nice for future generations, not to dig at it, extract its innards, remake it in our own image.
If all this downbeatness about humanity and scaremongering about the future sounds familiar, that's because it echoes the eco-hysteria that has become so prominent in Western political life.
The Vatican is now a fully-fledged green institution.
Which isn't surprising.
The demonisation of human hubris and promotion of eco-meekness that is at the heart of the green ideology chimes perfectly with the asceticism of Catholicism.

The similarities between the pieties of environmentalism and the diktats of Catholicism are striking. Environmentalism rehabilitates in secular drag the stinging rebukes of humanity once delivered by pointy-hatted men of God...

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