Monday, June 15, 2015

Why a Famous Constitutional Law Scholar Says the Supreme Court’s Jerusalem Passport Decision Gives the President ‘Too Much Power Over Foreign Policy’ |

Why a Famous Constitutional Law Scholar Says the Supreme Court’s Jerusalem Passport Decision Gives the President ‘Too Much Power Over Foreign Policy’ |

“This is ignorance of the founding of America. The United States was founded as a legislative government, a government in which the House of Representatives, not so much the Senate, but the House of Representatives were central to every aspect of American policy,” Dershowitz explained.

“The Constitution says ambassadors must be confirmed by the Senate, treaties must be confirmed by the Senate, all monetary legislation must be initiated by the House, in other words, all sanctions’ legislation has to come from the House of Representatives,” he said. “The Constitution did not envision a strong president, did not envision a president that had sole authority over foreign policy and can make a deal with Iran that is really a treaty but pretends to be something else.”

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