Sunday, June 14, 2015

Yesterday There Was Transracialism And Transethnicity. Today? "Otherkin." Oh Yes. It's A Thing.

Yesterday There Was Transracialism And Transethnicity.  Today?  "Otherkin."  Oh Yes.  It's A Thing.
Yesterday There Was Transracialism And Transethnicity. Today? "Otherkin." Oh Yes. It's A Thing. - Chicks on the Right:
I don't know if I want to live on this planet anymore.
Now, before you watch this, please be warned that there is pop-up text on the video that is snarky but also really crass.
I can't find a version of the video without the text commentary, but I promise that you'll end up so bewildered by the interview with this wolf-girl that you won't be all that distracted by the text.

BEHOLD: The girl who believes she's a wolf in a human body.

Daisy was just joking around in the office yesterday that the next thing that we'd be forced to accept (or else face accusations of bigotry) was people who think that they're really animals.
 I imagined we'd call them transanimals or something, but come to find out - they're out there, and they're known as "otherkin...."

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