"Immigration: Border surgers have won another.
A federal judge has ruled that ICE can't hold illegals in federal detention centers, meaning they must be let out.
So it's down to this: Either open the borders or seal them up.
Her ruling was immediately hailed as a major victory for the open borders lobby.
...If judges and left-wing lawyers can only be satisfied by big, taxpayer-paid luxury-spa vacations for illegals, such as one lavish facility planned in Texas last year, and ICE can only furnish more spartan facilities, then the real issue is whether illegals will be granted de facto amnesty or be stopped at the border before they get in.
Breitbart last summer reported that the big detention centers such as the renovated spa in Texas were really about no-bid contracts and the rewarding of political cronies for Democratic politicians.
The politicians, in turn, benefit from reciprocal campaign donations.
...Now that illegals will be free to move about the country, Republicans have but one option when it comes to illegal immigration:
Stop it before it starts.
If illegals who make it past the border guards can no longer be detained and must be set free, then the only way to check unrestricted illegal immigration is by strictly controlling the border.
Congress should act now to cinch up our border, before it's too late.
Our porous, unenforced border isn't a mere inconvenience.
It's a threat to our nation."
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