Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Yes Virginia, there is a government-----Mind-Blowing Temperature Fraud At NOAA

Mind-Blowing Temperature Fraud At NOAA | Real Science
The measured US temperature data from USHCN shows that the US is on a long-term cooling trend.
But the reported temperatures from NOAA show a strong warming trend.
ScreenHunter_10009 Jul. 27 12.16
They accomplish this through a spectacular hockey stick of data tampering, which corrupts the US temperature trend by almost two degrees.
ScreenHunter_10008 Jul. 27 12.08
The biggest component of this fraud is making up data. Almost half of all reported US temperature data is now fake. They fill in missing rural data with urban data to create the appearance of non-existent US warming.
ScreenHunter_10010 Jul. 27 12.20
The depths of this fraud is breathtaking, but completely consistent with the fraudulent profession which has become known as “climate science”

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