Boy Scouts -- LGBT Counselors Ban Lifted | National Review Online
The Scouts, however, included a necessary exemption for church-sponsored troops — allowing them to set their own policies.
This displeased the lords of political correctness.
Here’s the Human Rights Campaign’s Chad Griffin:
"Including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today’s decision.
Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period."
Yet if the church-sponsored troops pull out of scouting, the BSA would collapse.
In many jurisdictions — including scouting’s most healthy and vibrant — church-sponsored groups dominate.
I know of multiple local troops that would sooner close shop (or explore alternative affiliations) than violate their deeply-held values.
But the HRC and the rest of the LGBT Left doesn’t care.
It would rather destroy scouting than see it maintain its culturally and religiously conservative heritage.
Already the Mormon church — which is heavily involved in the scouting community — is expressing concern:
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