Sunday, August 30, 2015

Glenn Beck’s Electrifying ‘Never Again Is Now’ Speech Poses Major Challenge: ‘Stand Against the Tide of Evil’ |

Glenn Beck’s Electrifying ‘Never Again Is Now’ Speech Poses Major Challenge: ‘Stand Against the Tide of Evil’ |

"From the violent and murderous actions of the Islamic State and the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris to the undercover Planned Parenthood videos that purport to show the sale of aborted fetal tissue, Beck said that he has “never felt evil this close.”

“For the most part, we have looked away. We avert our eyes. We do it because, if we don’t, we come face to face with the reality of the situation,” Beck said. “Facing that would stop us cold and dead in our tracks — and that is how evil works. It makes itself so unbelievably outrageous … so difficult to comprehend… that ordinary people just don’t allow themselves to confront it, because it’s too painful.”

                    ALL LIVES MATTER!

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