Saturday, August 08, 2015

Michael Swartz: Baltimore Homicide Spike Is the Harvest of Leftism

Michael Swartz: Baltimore Homicide Spike Is the Harvest of Leftism — The Patriot Post:
"Chicago rightfully gets headlines for being America’s most prolific murder city, but three months after Baltimore erupted in flames following the death of criminal suspect Freddie Gray, the city’s total number of homicides has set an all-time city record for a three-month timeframe. 
The 116 homicides recorded in Baltimore from May through July included last month’s total of 43, which was its highest monthly toll since 1972.
...As one beleaguered city resident put it, “The ones doing the violence, the shootings — they’re eating Percocet like candy and they’re not thinking about consequences.
They have no discipline, they have no respect.
They think this is a game.
How many can I put down on the East side?
How many can I put down on the West side?”
In practically every Baltimore case, though, it was black-on-black crime that inflated the murder rate. “Black Lives Matter” has been a handy slogan for the race-baiters who descended on Baltimore, Ferguson and New York and shouted down a former mayor of Baltimore whose delusions of grandeur make him believe he’s presidential material.
But one has to ask if those lives matter enough to people in the city who refuse to relinquish their status as victims.
The answer would seem to be “no.”
Black lives seem to matter only when the race-baiters can make a show of things, not when blacks kill other blacks, or otherwise destroy their own neighborhoods...

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