Wednesday, August 05, 2015

So much wrong here........The city of Muskegon has invested $1 million to the construction of 10 to 15 new, market-rate homes.

The city of Muskegon has invested $1 million to the construction of 10 to 15 new, market-rate homes.

Muskegon invests $1 million for new homes

MUSKEGON, Mich. (WZZM) -- The city of Muskegon has invested $1 million to the construction of 10 to 15 new, market-rate homes.
"We hear people saying we'd love to live downtown but we don't want a fixer upper," said Frank Peterson, the city manager. 
"Or the houses just aren't right."
Peterson said the project is part of the city's effort to move people back into the downtown corridor and re-establish a sense of community within its neighborhoods.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, population has decreased in the city of Muskegon for the past several years. 
Between 2010 and 2013, 3.1 of Muskegon's inhabitants moved away.
"Again we do think a lot of that has to do with the inability to attract new homeowners into our community," Peterson said. 
"We just don't have a product to offer them."
In addition to Muskegon's investment, the city has received a $250,000 grant from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority to combat blight.
The market-rate homes are expected to be ready for sale as early as next spring.

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