Free sombreros handed out at restaurant BANNED by university chiefs – because they're 'racist' - Mirror Online:
"Killjoy university chiefs have banned students from getting free sombreros - claiming they're 'racist'.
Students were being given free sombreros by a local Tex-Mex restaurant in a bid to drum up business , before uni chiefs ordered them to stop - because it violates strict cultural appropriation rules.
The University of East Anglia student union officials even took the big floppy hats from students at the Freshers' Fair, because non-Mexicans wearing the traditional item of headwear could be seen as offensive, according to a new initiative.
The Union has stated that the handing out of sombreros breached a key advertising policy which was sent to all stall holders before the event, prohibiting any use of stereotypical imagery in advertising.
It read: "Discriminatory or stereotypical language or imagery aimed towards to any group or individual based on characteristics will not be permitted as part of our advertising."
The policy specifies 15 types of discrimination, some of which include colour, ethnic origin and nationality.
The sombreros were seen as racist and a form of cultural appropriation, despite the fact that the restaurant's website says it offers a "Tex-Mex experience".
When Pedros were asked to stop handing out the sombreros they were amicable in doing so, although some students were less impressed..."
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