Saturday, October 17, 2015

Japan Shut Down Radical Islam Entirely... And Here's the Simple Way They Did It

Japan Shut Down Radical Islam Entirely... And Here's the Simple Way They Did It:

"But Islam is an unusual religion whose followers are admonished to wage jihad, or holy war, in the name of Allah or at least support those who do.

The politically correct response is that other religions, like Christianity, have also produced radicals with violent intent, but that’s judging a system by its misuse. A Christian following the Bible’s teaching will help and love others while a strict adherent to the Quran will “fight in the cause of Allah” and wage war on infadels.

If America continues down the road its on, political correctness is sure to doom the nation one way or another, be it by an invasion by foreign power or complete collapse of moral fiber."

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