Saturday, October 17, 2015

New Obama czar will hunt ‘right-wing’ extremists

New Obama czar will hunt ‘right-wing’ extremists:

"The brains behind these mind-control programs belong to Cass Sunstein, the former Obama adviser who wrote the book on “Nudge.” Britain is the world model, with “Nudge squads” that influence people to perform certain tasks and think certain ways, Fox News reported.

“So we’re dealing with an entity that has no idea about representative government. They’ve made up their mind who constitutes an extremist, and an extremist is a terrorist, an enemy of the state,” Whitehead said. “Veterans are already on the list, as are abortion activists, tea-party activists, constitutionalists. I know the vets are because we have them calling us every day.

These are all things that should be debated openly, but now you’re having cities moving into U.N. programs, police being federalized and internationalized and now targeting their own people as enemies of the state,” he added. “I’m a student of history, and I see us repeating history. We’re following the Chinese model, which is basically the old Soviet model.”

Fitton said the Obama administration has effectively put certain groups “on notice” that they will be watched, and watched closely."

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