Saturday, November 14, 2015

Feel-good video of the day-----Jihadist Was Mid-Interview When A Mortar Shell Landed On Him

Jihadist Was Mid-Interview When A Mortar Shell Landed On Him | The Daily Caller:
Newly released footage from the war in Syria shows what appears to be a Jihadist receiving an unexpected surprise in the form of a mortar shell while giving an interview on camera.
The whistling artillery strike, which hit the Jihadist right in the middle of an interview while in Tall Sukayk, Syria, apparently came from the Syrian Arab Army.
Also hit and killed by the strike was Syrian media activist Ahmed Abu Hamza, who was filming the interview.
More than 250,000 Syrians have died during the civil war, which has now continued for four-and-a-half years. The Islamic State has taken advantage of extreme instability by making deep incursions into northern and eastern Syria, as well as parts of Iraq. While the U.S.-led coalition has conducted airstrikes on ISIS since last year to help Kurdish forces push back against invading forces in Kobane, ISIS still remains a formidable force.
The strikes are carefully calculated, as the U.S. does not want to hit any of the rebels, who are intent on taking down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

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