Wednesday, November 04, 2015

How the widening urban-rural divide threatens America

How the widening urban-rural divide threatens America - LA Times
Of all the growing divides in America, none is sharper than that between city and country. 
For rural residents, existential issues on the national level are seen as magnified versions of personal considerations: 
Does the country have enough food, fuel and minerals? 
Can America defend itself, protect its friends and punish its enemies? 
These concerns differ markedly from the urbanite's worry about whether the government will provide services to take care of vulnerable populations or whether those of different races and religions can get along in such a crowded environment. 
Add all this up and rural residents are more likely to be conservative and thus Republican, their urban counterparts liberal and logically Democratic. 
Most hot-button issues — deficit spending, defense, same-sex marriage, amnesty, affirmative action, gun control, and abortion — break along rural or urban lines.
But what, exactly, causes this division?...
Worth your time to read the full article!

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